To our AMAZING photographer Shannon Baucom for her images of our dancers. Visit her Face Book page : LoisAnn Shannon Photography to see and purchase pictures of our most recent show and many more examples of her art behind the camera lens.
Additional beautiful pictures provided by Pam Miller.
Thank you also to our friend and videographer Philip Luckey who is so generous with his time and makes us look good even in slow motion! This is a link to a backstage look at our Nutcracker.
“Ballet Friendship”—The friends my children have made in the course of activities that require hard work and collaboration have often been lasting ones. Yes, I encourage them to participate in sports, music and dance for many reasons. However, I have often overlooked the lasting impact of friends who come to know them almost as well as I do as they develop an appreciation for differences and a trust that comes from taking risks together.
Shannon Baucom
“This is an absolute…I see it all the time… they come from different schools…different backrounds but they “grow up” in dance class and end up as college roommates, brides maids and true life long friends. I love that.”
Donna Massari
This sweet picture taken by Pam Miller pretty much sums up why we LOVE what we do. One of our favorite things is to watch the progress from year to year…to see the precious little ones grow as dancers. We watch the efforts that our beautiful senior dancers put into their breath taking performances… but also see the little ballerinas that they were in the past… and we KNOW the dreams the young ones have for the future….. that’s why we are HERE! CONGRATULATIONS for an amazing show to all the dancers….your hard work paid off….to all the families and community friends who support us in our endeavors …THANK YOU SO MUCH!!